About » About PUC National

About PUC National

The mission of PUC National, an independent non-profit public benefit corporation co-founded in 2013 by Drs. Jacqueline Elliot and Ref Rodriguez, is to promote, support, benefit, replicate, and carry out the purposes and mission of Partnerships to Uplift Communities (PUC Schools) and other such public charter schools or educational programs, and promote, support, benefit, develop, and provide leadership education, program development, research and professional development to public charter schools and other schools, youth or community programs, and other activities that educate or serve students, children, families, and communities.

PUC National has a contractual relationship with Partnerships to Uplift Communities (PUC Schools) to provide a variety of support services to the schools in NE Los Angeles and the NE San Fernando Valley that include but are not limited to financial administration, human resources, operations, IT and data management, facilities, web site design, social media and media communications, enrollment, college access and alumni relations, food services, grant writing, charter development and renewal, and compliance. The team at PUC National also provided support to public school reformers in Rochester, New York with the founding of a new charter school for the Northeast quadrant of the city.

PUC National also provides support to schools outside of the PUC Schools network. Current offerings include webinarsworkshops, and HR coaching.

The team at PUC National is committed to excellence in equity in public education for all children and will continue to support national efforts in pursuit of this vision.